
At West Suffolk Crematorium and Cemetery we have 2 comfortable and welcoming chapels, both furnished in oak.

The original chapel, which opened in 1989, is furnished in oak, with pews and carved doors and fittings throughout. It is a more traditional chapel, with a warm and welcoming atmosphere throughout. We can seat 95 people and have standing room for another 30 to 40 people. We have named this chapel the St Edmund's Chapel.

We offer a range of services throughout the week to provide more choice to the families we serve. For service information, visit this page.

We also have a large screen in the Waiting Room where the funeral is relayed to those mourners who could not fit into the chapel.

The new chapel, which opened in March 2018, is a more modern chapel, with a light and airy feel. We have provided seats instead of pews in this chapel and can seat 60 people, with standing room for around 20 to 30 guests. This chapel is named the Abbey Chapel.

Both chapels have an organ in the chapel, and our organist is available on every funeral. He would usually play the hymns, however if you prefer a choral backing for your hymns then this can be played on our Obitus music system. This is a modern digital music system that can provide almost any music choice that is requested. Your funeral director creates your playlist for you directly onto the Obitus website and you have the ability to sit with your funeral director to listen to the different music choices to ensure you choose the correct pieces of music.

The chapel can be adapted to provide a fitting environment for any choice of funeral, regardless of faith or religion. We can also offer a recording of the funeral on audio CD or DVD, and we can now offer webcasting so that other family and friends, who are unable to attend the funeral, can watch the service live from any location. Please speak to your funeral director for more details about these services. For more info see “Personalising Your Funeral”.

We have several car parks throughout the crematorium  - the main car park is usually used for St Edmund's Chapel, and Abbey Chapel has its own car park. These are both signposted clearly so just follow the signs. Both chapels have disabled parking close to the chapel. We have a comfortable waiting room for each chapel and toilets are provided nearby. Wheel chair access is provided throughout, and there are disabled toilets for both chapels. We also offer baby changing facilities.

Hospitality and Meadow Cafe. (See separate tabs above)

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West Suffolk Cemetery

At West Suffolk Cemetery we offer a Traditional Cemetery, where burials take place and granite memorials are dedicated, as well as the Woodland Cemetery, where the only memorials are Oak Memorials. As our Company has its own stonemasons, all memorials are ordered direct from us and we have a large range of colours and styles to suit all tastes. All Oak memorials are ordered through us. This policy ensures that our memorials are of the highest standard.

The Traditional Cemetery offers lawn-style burials, where a granite memorial is added at the head of the grave and the rest of the area is lawn, as well as traditional burials, where a large kerb-set memorial can be added after the grave has settled. This cemetery is kept to a very high standard and our groundsmen cut and strim the lawns weekly.

The Woodland Cemetery is a more natural setting, where grass isn’t cut so short and we allow wildflowers to flourish and we encourage insects and wildlife. No granite memorials are permitted in this area, nor are any personal items allowed on the graves. Our policy is to create a very natural area.

See below for our Rules and Regulations.